Evangelion shinji ikari raising porject volume 8
Evangelion shinji ikari raising porject volume 8

Yui goes with Fuyutsuki and he asks her why she has chosen him, to hear her saying that he is just a lonely preson, and she found him endearing. Gendo told Fuyutsuki that Yui told him, but Fuyutsuki's first thoughts about him weren't that good. Fuyutsuki is told about Gendo Rokubungi and to post bail for him. Fuyutsuki remembers his first meeting with Yui Ikari, and he asks her about what she thinks for the future, if she is going join the bio-tech or join him in his lab, but she decided to create a family. Meanwhile, Fuyutsuki is interrogated by SEELE, about the incident of Unit-01 taking the S² Engine to itself, and that cannot be acceptable, and they orders him to tell them everything that he knows about Gendo, and call him "Professor Fuyutsuki", a title he has not heard for long time, bringing back his memories. Commander Fuyutsuki is kidnapped, and she was taken into custody because the suspicious person is Ryoji Kaji. Misato is surprised to the news that the Dept. Shinji meets Rei in the hospital, and thanks her though he doesn't know why. Kaji looks at his NERV ID card and notices how much it resembles the color of blood.įuyutsuki is confused about Gendo's behavior towards his son, as he didn't go to visit him. Shinji was "reborn" from the Eva, and Rei feels happy and tired after this. Yui looks at Shinji and motivates him to return, declaring that she will always look after him.

evangelion shinji ikari raising porject volume 8

Shinji wakes up at a shore and notices his parents discussing how he can live after such mass hell, and she said that he can find paradise anywhere if he wills to live. Meanwhile, Misato is holding Shinji's clothes and invokes the Eva to return him. Shinji screams in horror after knowing that it is not his mother, and cries for her to help, when his mother's soul got out of the Eva's Angelic part and glows very bright. Rei made a mental contact with the Angelic part of Unit-01, and asks her not to take Shinji from her. Rei mentally talks with Shinji, revealing that his mother is not herself, but the Eva trying to manipulate him to stay. The plan begins to go the wrong way and Entry Plug has ejected, with the LCL carrying his clothes. The Plug Salvage plan has started, and Shinji argues with Misato, Ritsuko, Kaji, Gendo and Asuka who tells him to return, but he refuses because he needs to rest instead of fighting. Rei goes to see Unit-01 while wondering about herself, and demands on Shinji to return. Meanwhile, Rei have finished with the Dummy Plug Plant, and asks Gendo if he is going to see Unit-01, but he says that there is no need for him. Shinji is still trapped in Unit-01, and he wonders how long he will stay there, and sees his mother there, and she tells him that he doesn't have to return and he can stay with her forever. and he tries to calm her down by kissing her, he pushed him for that, but noticed that he gave her something on their anniversary through their kiss. Kaji goes to talk with Misato and she asks him about things being kept from her, like Adam, Instrumentality Project, etc. Ritsuko talks with Maya about the plan and that when they used it ten years ago to "salvage" Yui Ikari, they failed.

evangelion shinji ikari raising porject volume 8

The Plug-Salvage Equipment has been installed on Unit-01, and Asuka is wondering about how Shinji will be, and Kaji tells her that everyone is worried about him, and leaves. He then says to Gendo that he cannot leave with knife in his hand, and imagined that he killed his father. He saw the unarmored Unit-01, and Gendo orders Shinji to pilot it, he refused but saw himself watching Unit-01 choking Unit-03 and Toji dead. Shinji is inside Unit-01's Entry Plug after being ingested by it, and is now in a state of unseen being, and he saw the young him crying and asking his father not to leave him, who told that his mother is dead, and tells him to look behind him to see for himself.

evangelion shinji ikari raising porject volume 8

After the flashback, Kaji rescues Fuyutsuki, but he is soon killed by an unknown person due to his work as spy.


SEELE members ask Fuyutsuki what Gendo has been doing in NERV, starting a series of flashback explaining how Fuyutsuki met Yui and Gendo. Meanwhile, NERV Subcommander Kōzō Fuyutsuki is kidnapped by SEELE, the organization that created NERV. As such, Shinji's physical body appears outside Unit-01, having been inside it for a month. Shinji suddenly has a dream in which his mother convinces him to live. Unit-01 tries to make Shinji stay with him, but Rei communicates with the Eva to urge it to let him go.

Evangelion shinji ikari raising porject volume 8